
A Race Without a Finish Line: Running Stories, Flexi-Gluten Free Meal Plan, Olympic Training Strategies, and Research for Efficient Distance Running

Learn of secret races, night group trail runs along riverbeds and scenic downtown runs occurring in dyads, triads, alongside cyclists, and in and around running Meetup groups. Become immersed completely in local running communities. Identify cues via social media for the long run in a new city. Time, record, map and post runs to the Internet. Obtain web resources for inexpensive travel to destination runs in other states. In this book, running occurs among individuals, dyads, triads, and significantly larger groups. Web resources for all things running are included along with a flexi-gluten free/non-gluten free meal plan. A cross-training workout provides strength training for a faster 10k or Marathon. Strategies for long distance training/conditioning utilized by Olympic athletes are included. Hundreds of pointers/tips are provided to level up one’s running game. Book is full length at approx. 45,000 words.

A Race Without a Finish Line

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Product Details

Author: Jason Hill
Publication Date: August 23, 2019
File Size: 33538 KB
Word Wise: Enabled
Print Length: 175 pages
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Text-to-Speech: Not enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Language: English
Lending: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #1,575,633 in Kindle Store

Lisa Eldridge

Lisa's the history buff who turns pages into portals to the past. She'll transport you through time with her historical fiction recommendations and insightful reviews.